Giới thiệu cho các bạn cách sử dụng Prommer Tool. Công cụ này hay ở chỗ bạn chỉ muốn "flash graphical ppm-patch" (nâng cấp mục đồ họa) nhưng lại không muốn mất dữ liệu và thông tin trên máy. 1. After clicking the "Scan Product", click "Flashing" - "PrommerTool". 2. Window appears. "Init". Click the button "Init" After a few seconds the button will become gray and you will see the following window Output: Initializing Initializing Adl flash selected. Prommer detection will be skipped. Then press the "Program Phone ..." A window appears select the three files.. If you want to change / flash the only graphic part, you have to choose only the first two files. If you want to completely reflash, specify the path to all three files. The first file - MCU. This is the main firmware file (actually, the whole system). As a rule, it has the extension *. mcusw.Select the path to the file by clicking the "..." . right. The second file - PPM. This file contains almost all the system images, fonts, multiple sounds. This file usually has the extension *. ppm_a, *. ppm_b, ppm_mea14 etc. The path to the file by clicking "...". If you make / download changes PPM-file and want to install it - the path to it. * The third file - the file contents. Usually has the extension *. image_ *****, where "*" may be different.From this file depends on the phone language, standard files, tunes, etc. Choose it only if you are sure.Otherwise, leave the place empty. ! Warning If you do not specify the third file, all settings, address book, messages will remain. If you flash three files, the phone will be a full reset, and all that is in phone memory will be erased. After selecting files, press "Flash". All started flashing.The whole process is similar to the normal firmware. Output Upon successful firmware to the Output window you will see the following: BB5 USB Flashing succeeded USB flashing completed. To close the window click "Close". Warning: The phone stays in the mode of "Test Mode". To translate it into normal mode, the top of the window Phoenix'a (where Operating Mode Click "Read", then select "Normal". Phone boot normally. Notes: 1) Flashing in Dead Mode using PrommerTool impossible 2) All the files must be from the same firmware .You cannot downgrade version of the firmware. Sourced from DOTSIS.COM Download Phoenix Internal Browser